This is about my journey into the land of Lap-Band. After struggling with my weight for all of my adult life, I have decided to do finally something about it. My Surgery Date was December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Years Week~ 1st Post-op Visit with Surgeon
I see my surgeon for my first post op visit tomorrow. I will be exactly 18 days post op and I am wondering if he will give me a small fill. I think he normally waits until 6 weeks post op, but since I am tolerating food well, and eating more, and hungry every two hours, perhaps he will get me started. I will let you know what happens. I will weigh in tomorrow too. I don’t feel like I have lost any more weight since surgery which is about 12 pounds down total since the pre-op diet.
The things I am having a hard time with at the moment are (1) drinking enough liquid. I am lucky if I can get in 32 oz a day. I have never been a big water drinker, and 64 ounces seems like more than I can handle. (2) My protein is coming in around 40 grams a day. Need to keep working on that too to get to 60. I also see the dietitian tomorrow. My other issue (3) is writing everything down in a food journal.
In the back of my head, I keep thinking like I have every other holiday season in the past, I will start my diet after the New Year! Some habits are hard to break.
Good luck and Happy New Year to all of you this week and I will let you know if anything happens at the surgeon’s office.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Week and 11 Days Post-op
So I am still eating pureed mushies and really getting tired of it! My diet mostly consists of cottage cheese, crushed lentil soup, ricotta with marinara, cream of wheat, Greek yogurt. I also roasted some eggplant, onion, and marinara and then pureed it and that was really good. I’m still supplementing with protein shakes too. BORING!! And the worse part is I AM GETTING REALLY HUNGRY ABOUT EVERY 2 HOURS! Who has the time to eat every two hours??? Is this is what is meant by Bandster Hell? It should be called Banster pain in the ass.
I have been working at my day job every day since last Tuesday for a few hours a day but tonight I go back to my part time job at Saks and I am really excited. I have been there part time since 1991, so I cannot imagine not being there during the holidays. I am really looking forward to it. I don’t make much money, but it is worth it for the discount and I love the people I work with.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas this year and I also hope we all have a very healthy, prosperous 2010 with great weight loss results for all of us!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Day 3 and more questions for you professionals out there!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Home and Banded
I just spoke to my sister who is the queen of elective surgery (literally) and she said that every time she did a new procedure she felt the same way. Then once she started to recover she felt better about her decision.
My goal today is to drink liquids to keep hydrated and to try to get 20 grams of protein in the form of protein shakes, Greek yogurt or HMR soup. Wish me luck! Any advise you guys have for me this first week is really appreciated….so please write and add your 2 cents!! Thanks
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I want to send out many thanks to all of you for all of your encouragement and support through the process of getting ready. Your thoughts, inspirations, stories, successes, humor, openness, and the many pictures you have posted are the reason I got this far. I don’t think I could have done it otherwise. Thank you for welcoming me into your blogs and I only hope I am as successful as all of you are.
So, with that being said, wish me luck, say a prayer and I will be back on-line as soon as I can.
Much love,
Linda O
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My Big Fat Greek Drama and Bangladesh
The only way I could have kept this on the QT is if I only told my husband. But even then, he would have told someone, like his sister, and then the cat would have been out of the bag. I guess I am just wondering what the fall out will be from this in the future. For the most part I am pretty quiet about my private life. I know some of you have only told your husbands or close family members while others have told a handful and others are completely open and honest about their Lap Bands and tell all. In a way, we all are "out" just by writing these blogs and attaching our faces to them. So I was really a bit pissed about this for a little while, texted my nephew a nasty note and then poured myself a glass of my favorite wine from Trader Joes to calm my ass down.
So I start watching the evening news and they are doing a broadcast about the people of Bangladesh who are being forced to move from their villages to the north because of massive flooding. Close to 1 million people will be displaced by the floods and become refugees. These people are so poor, and are mostly farmers and villagers. It was so sad and really put it things back into perspective for me. Like.....Linda, get over it! Who cares what some gossip says about you. It also made me realize how fortunate we are to live in a county where we have choices like the ones we do. To have a choice to have a surgery to aid in weight loss seems so frivolous and unimportant compared to what these people in Bangladesh are doing to just survive. So I am going to count my blessings, keep focused, be thankful for what I have, be compassionate for those who have less and NOT give a damn about what others think. Life is too short..
Friday, December 4, 2009
Time Off? & "pre" Buyers Remorse Anyone?
Also wondering if any of you got really scared before surgery? I am really freaking out about the surgery itself and the lifestyle changes ahead of me. OMG...sliming and PB ing! The thought of a foreign object inside my body! The only thing that keeps me on track is when I look at the pictures I posted last post. Especially the side view...A picture is worth a thousand words. When I look at that picture, the word that comes to mind is "rotund".
What did you do to calm the nerves? Did you have pre-buyers-remorse?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
BEFORE PICS-Thanksgiving Day 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Questions for my Lap Band Buddies out there....
- ANY REGRETS? Are you happy with your decision and would you do it again?
- Are you still able to party a little? (I am a wine drinker...can't imagine giving it up completely) and are you a party pooper now cause you can't party as much?
- HOW MUCH HAPPIER ARE YOU WITH YOUR BODY? I am wondering what I will look like 50-80 lbs thinner. I am 47 and will have a "lose skin" issue.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I am really starting to think about the surgery a lot now. (less than a month away) I am a bit scarred and worried and really freaked out about the lifestyle change this is going to be for me. My food life as I know it, will soon be very different. As David Bowie said...Ch ch ch chaaanges! LISTEN Maybe that can be my theme song when I am down?
Also not looking forward to the pre-diet or liquid phase. It will be tough not being able to eat over the holidays. Christmas is only 14 days post-op, so I guess I will still be on liquids, or mushies, right? Not fun. Hopefully, I will have no appetite so it won't be a big deal. HOPEFULLY!!! But geeze, what is one holiday? I have treated my whole life like it was a holiday and ate everything is sight...
I am trying to read as much as I can to prepare myself for what is ahead. And will spend some time going back over some of your blogs, to see what you went through...
Friday, November 6, 2009
I GOT A DATE!!!!! (no, not with a guy, I am married!)
More to follow, been busy with other stuff life has thrown at me so I have neglected my Lap Band world...but will be back on the band-wagon soon and bugging you guys cause I am sure I will be a basket case in the weeks to come....WOW....can't believe it! Happy and a bit FREAKED OUT at the same time.
Love and hope you are all well,
Monday, October 19, 2009
Still Waiting!!!!
It has been a while since my last post and I am still waiting to hear back from the Surgeons office. I met with him on 9/23 and they said we wouldn't know anyting until around mid October, so I am waiting. I called the office on Thursday but have not heard back from them yet...which is pissing me off a bit. I mean talk about bad manners! But don't worry, I will call again. I have an appointment with the regular weight loss MD at the hospital today and I will ask her to get on the phone and find out what the heck is going on. More news soon, hopefully!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Band Size?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Surgeon Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Calling Dr. "Surgeon", Calling Dr. "Surgeon"!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009
Lady in line at the Salad Bar...WLS Person?

Just got back from lunch at this really cute place near my office called Insalata...pretty much a Salad Bar, Baked Potatoes, Pannini, place. Easy to get into on your lunch hour, and not too expensive. So I get in line for the salad bar and in front of me I notice this lady who picks up a small container (I got the big one) and proceeds to fill it with Tuna Salad, Cottage Cheese, some Sliced Hard Boiled Egg, and a few strawberry slices. So, immediately I think, OMG, this lady had WLS! She is eating pure protein, and a little fruit for dessert. I wish I would have payed attention to what her salad weighed. (you pay by the lb) Mine was 3/4 of a pound by the way. I really have no idea if this person had wls or not, or if she just prefers to eat this way...maybe she is on the South Beach Diet? But it occurred to me that my future lunches will look something like hers down the road.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Husband, My Behind, and Two Hands...

Went away with my husband this weekend to a wonderful little town on Lake Michigan called Saugatuck. It is close to Chicago, with its harbor filled with Yachts and the city is filled with quaint little bed and breakfasts in old Victorian houses. We has a great time, went boating on Beautiful Lake Michigan and spent the rest of the time exploring the city and its shops and ofcourse restaurants. I really can't imagine what it will be like when I can only eat 1/2 cup of food at a time, instead of swallowing massive amounts of food like I do now...It will be a huge adjustment for me, like I am sure it has been for all of you. But anyway, my husband said something really funny to me as we were walking through town at night and after having a few cocktails, he said..."I can't wait till I'll be able to grab your ass with one hand". I looked at him and said, yeah, cause you need both hands per cheek at the moment right? I wasn't really insulted, because he is really sweet about my body and never says anything negative about my weight. But I think he was just sort of thinking out loud you know? Guys! Hmm..well I guess that will be a NSV right? Being groped by my husband with one hand?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
It is TIME to BUST a MOVE over HERE!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
A Kick in the Rear, Please!

Thought of all of you yesterday and all the wonderful progresses you have made since being banded. I really find all of your day to day stories so encouraging and can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me. But I am really having a problem with getting motivated to exercise right now. So often I feel lethargic like all I want to do is just go home after work and lay on the couch. Or any energy I do have, I use for cleaning my house or getting dinner ready etc. My question is when did you all start feeling like you had the energy to start moving? Did it come naturally after you started dropping weight? I long to have that feeling of having tons of energy to accomplish things and be more active. It is really sad that I live in a great urban neighborhood where everyone walks/bikes to everything and I don't utilize it! Grocery stores, library, restaurants, bookstores, bars, shopping, you name it. And I only live 3 blocks from town! I can count the times I have walked or biked into town this summer on one hand. I just have no energy or motivation. I am wondering if this is all physical or partly mental with me. Or both. Of course it is harder to move around and it hurts more when you weigh 265 and 47 year old! But that is a poor excuse, don't you think? Help, I need some motivation and advise if you can give it. Feel free to be blunt even if it hurts to hear it. I think I need a good kick in the derriere!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Something to look forward to?
Friday, June 26, 2009
1/2 way through the Oprah Show on Obese Teens
Ultrasound and Stress Test...kicked my butt!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
RE: My Last Post. . . a follow up.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
1st Lap Band Support Group Meeting and she wore Fake Louboton's

Monday, June 1, 2009
Weigh Loss Surgery Channel anyone?
It is a web based WLS channel with diffenent shows and segments. . . . etc.
Haven't written lately cause I don't have much to write about as I am still in limbo, so to speak, with my plans. We are on Cobra Ins at the moment. . . .but the transfer is taking time. And now we found out that my husband's company is changing insurance starting July 1. So that means I have to start the process rolling with another insurance company and find out what the requirements are for them to approve WLS. I am still going forward with the pre-approval process and meeting with a Doctor every month so I can show that I have had 6 months of medically supervised WL counciling. (Did you all have to do this?) I know every ins company is different. Anyway, in the mean time I am still checking on your blogs to see how everyone is doing and enjoying hearing about everybodys success!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Biggest Loser Bugs Me

This article was on the front page of the Detroit Free Press yesterday. Helen Thomas, the most recent winner of the Biggest Loser is from the Detroit area. For some reason, her weight loss leaves me with an unsettling feeling. I almost feel like she became Anorexic in order to lose the weight. Her average weight loss was about 5-6 pounds a week. Of course she worked out like a crazy person, (6 plus hours a day) but even if I had time to work out like that I don't know if I would. I guess what bugs me is that what she did is next to impossible for most people as we all know, and reading her success, which I think is great, makes me feel like, "well if she can do it with out WLS, so should I". It made me feel a little bit like I'm a "big loser" for giving in to WLS. Anyway, here is the article if you want to read it:
Women and men can lose weight even when they're middle aged is the message and the example coming from Helen Phillips, 48, who beat out contestants half her age on "America's Biggest Loser: Couples," NBC-TV's weight-loss competition.
"No matter how old you are, you can make the change if you have the dedication and the drive," said Phillips of Sterling Heights, who lost 140 pounds since starting the competition in September.
Phillips defeated Mike Morelli, 19, of South Lyon and Tara Costa, 24, of New York to win the $250,000 grand prize.
During a teleconference with reporters, Phillips praised her husband, Russell, a Chrysler autoworker, for his support.
She credited celebrity fitness coach Jillian Michaels for helping her lose the weight during the approximately 18 weeks of the show.
But kudos for helping her continue to lose weight when she went home for 30 days went to Warren Mott High School football coach Shauhen Tahrebandi, formerly a Bally's personal trainer.
"I couldn't have done it without him at home," said Phillips, whose daughter, Shannon Thomas, 29, of Center Line, lost 92 pounds on the show.
Phillips slimmed down to 117 pounds from 257 pounds and went from a size 22 to 2. She lost 32 pounds after returning home to Sterling Heights.
At home, she worked out six hours a day -- two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon and two hours in the evening, often at the high school track in Warren.
Phillips, who recently shot a "Got Milk?" ad, offers the following advice for anyone trying to lose weight, but she says her message is aimed especially at the middle-aged crowd:
• Be prepared. Pack your food so you don't fall into bad habits like stopping at fast food restaurant drive-throughs.
• Never make excuses. "It's a priority now to go to the gym or do some kind of physical exercise every day," she said.
• Believe you can do it. "I was tired of doubting myself," she said. "Stop saying you can't and start saying you can."
Wellness center her next goal:
America's Biggest Loser wants to help metro Detroiters lose big and get healthy, too.
Helen Phillips of Sterling Heights, who won the NBC reality competition Tuesday, and her husband, Russell, plan to open a local spinning and wellness center, Phillips said Wednesday.
The $250,000 prize money comes right on time for the couple, who have two children including daughter Shanon Thomas, who lost 92 pounds on the show.
Russell Phillips is in danger of losing his job at Chrysler LLC if the automaker goes forward with a plan to shut down the Sterling Heights assembly plant, where he works, in 2010.
"This will give us a nice cushion," said Helen Phillips, 48, before hopping a flight for a Wednesday appearance on the "Today" show.
Before joining the competition in September, Phillips -- who went from a size 22 to a size 2 -- worked in retail management at Macy's.
In addition to opening the wellness center, Phillips plans to work as a motivational speaker, especially for older women trying to lose weight.
"Once I ... got on board and realized how important it was, the easier it became," she said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
45 pounds ago. . and now pictures
The above picture of me was taken about 9 years ago at about 220 lbs. I lost a bunch of weight (45 lbs) on a low fat liquid plan through a hospital. It worked, but of course I couldn't keep it off. ( The guy was a friend/boss from work) I think I was looking pretty cute that night!
This is me now:

I just got this picture from my nephew that was taken while we were in Florida this past March. That is my foxy older sister and great niece. There were a few of me in the gulf swimming that I have been wanting to see to help keep myself motivated and realize that this decision to be banded is the right decision.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Plus Size Teens Have Rights Too!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Positive Reinforcement and Golf?
John Daly in the swing with his new bod and clothes!
I feel like I am being an approval seeker. But I guess the more positive reinforcement I get about the Lap Band, the better I feel about it. I went to see my beloved Russian PCP yesterday to tell her about my decision to do the Lap Band and she gave me her blessing and thinks it is a good idea. I really respect her and like her so much. She is going to go through my files and try to put together enough documentation in order to move up the surgery so I don't have to wait 6 months. Keep your fingers crossed! Then, my husband went and saw his gastrointestinal doctor this week and mentioned that I am considering the surgery and he too gave his thumbs up about the surgery! He especially likes it because it is helpful with GERD. Last night my total jock brother called me to tell me he saw something on the golf channel about the golfer John Daly having just lost 40 lbs due to recent lap band surgery. So that is all my brother needed to hear...thus another thumbs up!! Check out his outfit? I love it! Maybe this will prompt me to dye my hair blond and wear pink and orange someday? Why not!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saks Fifth Avenue and "Normal Sizes"

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Detroit~Michigan~Layoffs and Cobra Insurance

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
263 ENDS

Well, I started the program at Beaumont Hospital yesterday and met with the physician. They did lots of blood work, like 6 vials and an EKG. My BMI IS 44 and I weighed in at a whopping 263. I have appointments scheduled next month with the dietitian, the exercise psysiologist a psychologist for my psych evaluation, and again with the doc for appt #2. My insurance requires 6 months of documentation in a medically supervised WL program. Unless I get my PCP to sign off. Anyway, the ball is rolling so that is the good part. I made the leap so to speak. That evening I went to the hospital's Club Bariatrix support group meeting where one of the 2 surgeons in the program were speaking. He is an accomplished RnY surgeon but has not started doing the Lap Band in his practice yet. He has assisted the other surgeon with the procedure. He is getting started and needs to set up 3 people in one day to get his certification. Anyway, all the people in this meeting were RnY patients and not one Lab Bander. (just my luck) Everyone there looked like they had lost a lot of weight and I really can't say anyone looked "healthy". Everyone had a drawn out saggy, thinning hair look about them. It was really disheartening. I really need to get intouch with some other Lap Banders. As far as the surgeon goes. . . I am signed up with the other surgeon in the practice who has done about 150 LapBands. But I may end up going with the other surgeon because he happens to be my long lost second cousin, and I figure I can call him up and drive him nuts with any problems or questions I have.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Big Fat Greek Easter pig out! Oink Oink Oink
By the way, there is no coincidence that I scheduled my initial medical screening for the day after Easter....oh my! I will for sure tip the scales after that meal. Good, maybe they will say, forget the 6 month required waiting period....let's take her straight to surgery!
Monday, April 6, 2009
To Lap Band or Not to Lap Band that is the Question
By the way these are the books I ordered:
"Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Achieving Permanent Weight Loss with Minimally Invasive Surgery" Jessie H. Ahroni Ph.D. A. R. N. P.
"LAP-BAND Companion" Mark J. Watson
"Lap-Band for Life" Ariel Ortiz Lagardere