Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lap Band Support Group

Went to my first post-op lap band support group meeting last night. There were only 3 of us there along with the psychologist Jackie, who runs the meetings. One lady was a year and a half out and the guy was only two weeks out. The lady has lost only about 70 pounds in the year and a half and still needs to lose more. She has had issues with GERD in a big way, and has had about 9 fills over that peroid. Jackie told us they actually have patients who have lost nothing after being banded. They go for one fill, don't lose, get discouraged, then never come back. Can you imagine? So, I mentioned I am worried about gaining some weight back during this period of no restriction, and Jackie then asked me "Well aren't you staying on the plan?" And I had to answer truthfully, that I am not. I am pretty much eating like I used to before surgery, with a few exceptions and of course my quantities are somewhat more limited.  So, today I am back on "plan" and paying attention to what I am eating again. I need to start writing what I eat down too. Do you guys do that and find it helpful?

Jackie did ask the other woman if she was happy with the band and on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how she would rate it. She said she would give it a 4, and knows she would have never lost the 70 lbs without it. 4 is good in my book, better than average.  So I am keeping the faith and looking forward to my first fill on Jan 27.


  1. There is no doubt that the lapband can be defeated. The careful pre-op screenings helps to tag the indivduals who for one reason or another may not be successful with weight loss surgery, but every once in a while someone slips through the screening. If the lapband would do it all for us, then there would be no failure rate. But because we have to treat the lapband is a tool, the human element plays into the equation and then the potential for failure is there. However, you can do so many things to ensure your success. I believe that food journaling is one of those things and I did a blog a few months ago about how I journal - I keep it simple so it's not an labor intensive task. I can't tell you how many times I referred back to my journal and am glad I have that information available. The journal has also helped to keep me on the straight and narrow because I absolutely refuse to lie to my journal (which would be lying to myself). So instead of eating a cookie and writing it in my journal, I would just put the cookie down. If I did eat the cookie, though, I did write it down and tried to write why I ate that darn cookie.

  2. Well, if you were so good at sticking to the plan, then you wouldn't need a band, would you!?

    Sorry, but that's how I feel. it's hard!!! I'm trying, every day. But I'm not always perfect. I do agree with Sally that journaling my food helps in a big way. I do it publicly on my blog to everyone's boredom, I am sure, but it really helps. Do I want to write down that I ate x?
    No? Then don't eat it! Get a sugar free pudding instead! (That's my inner dialogue for you!)

  3. You said this was a support group? Jackie, the psychologist, doesn't sound too supportive. I thought her comment was rather destructive (I could just hear her talking in CAPS!).

    I find such help in this blogosphere so keep on writing. I promise to never talk to you in CAPS :-)

  4. We understand! Just keep trying to get back on track. I have been told to strive for 90 percent on plan. It wont be that easy right now so don't beat yourself up too much. It is getting better for me and it will for you too.

  5. I have found that tracking is the best thing I can do to keep my self on track... I am much more aware of calories, protien and junk! I don't want to write down that I am eating junk, so it helps me avoid the no-no's. I struggle too, I hope you don't feel alone in that department. If support group doesn't work out, at least you have us! :)
